Watch Online / Bloodline (TV Movie 2012)
Desc: Bloodline: Directed by Fraser Coull. With Mandy Bhari, Catriona Evans, Jamie Forrest, Debbie Foster. "Bloodline" follows The Three, an ancient organisation formed in the 17th century in the Scottish Highlands. When the Campbell clan joined forces with an evil shape shifter, they started releasing powerful creatures to rule the lands. The MacDonalds were met by a mysterious force and the Three were formed - each member of the team were gifted with super strength, agility and mental ability. Using their skills, the Three forced the Campbells into hiding and the creatures were frozen in time, never to be seen again. Now in 2012, a cute, nervous geek, Emily, accidentally releases an ancient shape shifter, The Tam Lin, into our time, who immediately causes havoc with anyone and everyone it can come into contact with, forcing the current line up of The Three, Markus (Des O'Gorman), Kate (Mhairi Calvey) and Adam (Jamie Forrest) to team up with cage fighter Charles (Mat Robertson) to stop Tam Lin (Craig McEwan) at all costs.